Upcoming Events
Annual Events
Jonathan Annual Festival of Garage Sales
For more than 30 years the Jonathan Association has organized an annual community-wide garage sale with much success! Garage Sale participants must pre-register through the Karen House to be included on the sale map and have their items featured. This is held the 2nd Saturday in May.
Jonathan 4th of July Celebration
Jonathan’s annual 4th of July Celebration is a 50-year tradition with fun for the whole family. Morning activities typically include a 5K run and kid-friendly parade. Previous celebrations have included a bouncy house and slide, face painting, magic show and roaming magician, ice cream truck, popcorn, beverages, trinket bags for the kids and more!
National Night Out
National Night Out is the first Tuesday in August. The Jonathan Association will reimburse neighborhoods that plan an event up to $300. Receipts are required as proof of purchase. Please register through the Karen House. This event is a great way to get to know your neighbors and enjoy a wonderful summer night out with friends!
Cocoa & Coasting Sledding Party
This event is usually the 2nd Saturday in December. There is typically a visit from Santa along with hot cocoa, coffee, cookies, prize giveaways and more. **Please note: if NO snow event will be cancelled.
Details for free community events are included in the Jonathan Neighbors Newsletter publication.
If you have questions, please contact the Karen House.

Spring Clean-Up Day 2025
Spring Clean Up on Saturday, May 3rd, 2025 starting at 7:00 a.m.
Our crews will make one pass through each neighborhood. To ensure pick up please have your yard waste out to your curb the night before, Friday, May 2nd. We will not pick up after 5/3 so please be understanding of our crew.
There is a 20 bag limit.
Acceptable items: Only yard waste which includes leaves, grass, brush, and garden waste will be accepted. Must be able to be handled by one person. Any other items or garbage will be left behind.
Brush size is limited to 3 inches in diameter and 4 feet in length or smaller. Anything larger will be left behind. Twigs and brush must be bundled.
Unacceptable items: Large piles of tree trimmings, bagged mulch, heavy bags that cannot be handled by one person, un-twined brush bundles exceeding 3” in diameter and 4’ in length.
Only paper bags or certified compostable bags that comply with Carver County and the City of Chaska regulations (see www.rethinkrecycling.com for more information) will be accepted.
Location – along your curb
Yard waste in non-compliant bags will not be picked up. You may bring it to the Athletic Park (725 W. 1st Street, Chaska) yourself where you will be responsible for emptying the bags yourself.
Visit Chaska Cleanup Day for their guidelines: https://www.chaskamn.gov/564/Chaska-Cleanup-Day

Jonathan Annual Festival of Garage Sales
For over 30 years, the Jonathan Association has organized an annual community-wide garage sale with much success!
Garage Sale participants must pre-register through the Karen House to be included on the sale map and have their items featured.
Sign Up Below:

4th of July Celebration
Join us for the annual Jonathan Association 4th of July Festival and Community Event.
7:30 – Fun Run Registration
8:00 – Fun Run: Registration for the Fun Run begins at 7:30 a.m. at the Learning Center. Participants will receive a Fun Run t-shirt. Dogs on a leash are welcome.
9:30 – Kiddie Parade: Participants will gather at the Karen House starting at 9 AM and finish at the Lake Grace Pavilion with goodie bags for the kids. Show your 4th of July spirit and decorate your bikes, wagons, and yourself.
10:30- Lake Grace Pavilion: Entertainment and food will begin at 10:30 at the Lake Grace pavilion. The fun will include:
- Music by Eddie Mac
- Magician/comedian/balloon artist, Norm Barnhardt
- Bouncy houses
- Face painting
- Drawings for prizes
- Food and refreshments (Hotdogs, chips, water, juice boxes and ice cream provided)
Bring your lawn chairs and have a wonderful time!
** in the event of inclement weather we are will post updates on our Facebook page and website for any changes to the schedule.

National Night Out / Night To Unite 2025
National Night Out / Nite To Unite
August 5, 2025 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Night to Unite is back!
On first Tuesday of August, residents in Chaska and across the nation are asked to lock their doors, turn on outside lights and spend the evening outside with neighbors and police for Night to Unite.
Chaska’s Night to Unite is designed to:
Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness
Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships
Send a message to criminals that neighborhoods are organized & fighting back.
Many neighborhoods throughout Chaska host a variety of special events:
Block parties
Flashlight walks
Youth activities
Register to host a National Night Out/Nite To Unite Neighborhood Party on Tuesday, August 5th, 2025, and The Jonathan Association will reimburse one person per neighborhood up to $300.00 for food, non-alcoholic beverages, and party favors. Hosts must be current on their association dues for reimbursement. Turn in your receipts within one week from NNO; no later than August 14th, 2025 to the Karen House for reimbursement.
Register Your Party
If you live in the Jonathan Association, please email info@jonathaninchaska.com to register your neighborhood party. Registration deadline is Thursday July 31, 2025.

Fall Clean-Up Day 2025
Fall Clean Up on Saturday, October 25th, 2025 starting at 7:00 a.m.
Our crews will make one pass through each neighborhood. To ensure pick up please have your yard waste out to your curb the night before, Friday, October 24th. We will not pick up after 10/25 so please be understanding of our crew.
There is a 20 bag limit.
Acceptable items: Only yard waste which includes leaves, grass, brush, and garden waste will be accepted. Must be able to be handled by one person. Any other items or garbage will be left behind.
Brush size is limited to 3 inches in diameter and 4 feet in length or smaller. Anything larger will be left behind. Twigs and brush must be bundled.
Unacceptable items: Large piles of tree trimmings, bagged mulch, heavy bags that cannot be handled by one person, un-twined brush bundles exceeding 3” in diameter and 4’ in length.
Only paper bags or certified compostable bags that comply with Carver County and the City of Chaska regulations (see www.rethinkrecycling.com for more information) will be accepted.
Location – along your curb
Yard waste in non-compliant bags will not be picked up. You may bring it to the Athletic Park (725 W. 1st Street, Chaska) yourself where you will be responsible for emptying the bags yourself.
Visit Chaska Cleanup Day for their guidelines: https://www.chaskamn.gov/564/Chaska-Cleanup-Day

Cocoa & Coasting Sledding Party 2024
Cocoa & Coasting Sledding Party 2024
Saturday, December 14, 2024 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Noon – 2:00 pm Bring your sled to the Marsh Halberg Sledding Hill, on Bavaria Road, for this Jonathan Association tradition. There will be a special visit from Santa, so make sure to play nice! Take some chill out of the winter air with a hot cup of cocoa or spiced cider. If there is inclement weather, please check the Jonathan Association Facebook page for updates or cancellation.

Fall Clean-Up Day 2024
Fall Clean Up on Saturday, October 26th, 2024 starting at 7:00 a.m.
Our crews will make one pass through each neighborhood. To ensure pick up please have your yard waste out to your curb the night before, Friday, October 25th. We will not pick up after 10/26 so please be understanding of our crew.
There is a 20 bag limit.
Acceptable items: Only yard waste which includes leaves, grass, brush, and garden waste will be accepted. Must be able to be handled by one person. Any other items or garbage will be left behind.
Brush size is limited to 3 inches in diameter and 4 feet in length or smaller. Anything larger will be left behind. Twigs and brush must be bundled.
Unacceptable items: Large piles of tree trimmings, bagged mulch, heavy bags that cannot be handled by one person, un-twined brush bundles exceeding 3” in diameter and 4’ in length.
Only paper bags or certified compostable bags that comply with Carver County and the City of Chaska regulations (see www.rethinkrecycling.com for more information) will be accepted.
Location – along your curb
Yard waste in non-compliant bags will not be picked up. You may bring it to the Athletic Park (725 W. 1st Street, Chaska) yourself where you will be responsible for emptying the bags yourself.
Visit Chaska Cleanup Day for their guidelines: https://www.chaskamn.gov/564/Chaska-Cleanup-Day

Monthly Board Meeting
Board Meetings
The monthly board meetings are currently being held virtually through Zoom. If you would like to attend the Open Forum for members please contact Kami Skomsoyvog, the Onsite Manager at Jonathan Association.
Zoom Meeting Detail
Meeting ID: 845 3470 6008
Passcode: 308794
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,84534706008#,,,,*308794# US (Washington DC)
+13052241968,,84534706008#,,,,*308794# US

2024 MN Walk to Breathe
Join us as we walk together toward a cure at the 2024 MN Walk to Breathe on Saturday, October 5th in Chaska, MN. The walk will include a brief opening ceremony, information about pulmonary fibrosis, and a walk at Grace Lake. Gather your friends and family to join us as we raise funds and awareness for the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (PFF).

Monthly Board Meeting
Board Meetings
The monthly board meetings are currently being held virtually through Zoom. If you would like to attend the Open Forum for members please contact Kami Skomsoyvog, the Onsite Manager at Jonathan Association.
Zoom Meeting Detail
Meeting ID: 845 3470 6008
Passcode: 308794
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,84534706008#,,,,*308794# US (Washington DC)
+13052241968,,84534706008#,,,,*308794# US

Monthly Board Meeting
Board Meetings
The monthly board meetings are currently being held virtually through Zoom. If you would like to attend the Open Forum for members please contact Kami Skomsoyvog, the Onsite Manager at Jonathan Association.
Zoom Meeting Detail
Meeting ID: 845 3470 6008
Passcode: 308794
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,84534706008#,,,,*308794# US (Washington DC)
+13052241968,,84534706008#,,,,*308794# US

National Night Out / Night To Unite 2024
National Night Out / Nite To Unite
August 6, 2024 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Night to Unite is back!
On first Tuesday of August, residents in Chaska and across the nation are asked to lock their doors, turn on outside lights and spend the evening outside with neighbors and police for Night to Unite.
Chaska’s Night to Unite is designed to:
Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness
Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships
Send a message to criminals that neighborhoods are organized & fighting back.
Many neighborhoods throughout Chaska host a variety of special events:
Block parties
Flashlight walks
Youth activities
Register to host a National Night Out/Nite To Unite Neighborhood Party on Tuesday, August 6th, 2024, and The Jonathan Association will reimburse one person per neighborhood up to $300.00 for food, non-alcoholic beverages, and party favors. Hosts must be current on their association dues for reimbursement. Turn in your receipts within one week from NNO; no later than August 13th, 2024 to the Karen House for reimbursement.
Register Your Party
If you live in the Jonathan Association, please email info@jonathaninchaska.com to register your neighborhood party. Registration deadline is Wednesday July 31, 2024.